4월, 2018의 게시물 표시

[Q&A] Do you love Multiculturalism?

  Q. Do you love Multiculturalism? https://www.economist.com/news/international/21685490-white-shuffle-not-white-flight A. Yep. A gyro sandwich for lunch, and sushi for dinner. Yum. A. Multiculturalism is PC code for anti-white..... A. I hate it I loved my London of 1955 that was before Multiculturalism and after the Black Plague A. dont know, dont care. A. You may as well as whether I love the black death and the answer to both would be NO WAY. A. Here, Learn something about it and see if you still like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdEGJb5W... A. I love money

[Q&A] Do you like Pickles?

  Q. Do you like Pickles? A. Not really much of a Pickle fan A. Only Tommy Pickles A. I love them, but they always seem to be better and restaurants than they are at home. A. Yah A. No A. Yeah their good A. yummy yes A. no A. I love The dill or sour ones. I don't like sweet pickles.

[Q&A] Why didn't Hillary plead the 5th in her 11 investigations?

  Q. Why didn't Hillary plead the 5th in her 11 investigations? A. She knew the investigators were not attempting to get a conviction of her. A. She knew the truth would prove her innocent A. She was never put under oath. A. She had already secured the verdict before the hearings started. A. pet FBI directors. A. She didn't care A. She, um, couldn't. You see, she DRANK her Fifth...of Scotch, or Bourbon. A. She's got testifying down to an art.

[Q&A] What happens if all illegal aliens are deported and not enough Native Born US Citizens apply for open jobs in various industries?

  Q. What happens if all illegal aliens are deported and not enough Native Born US Citizens apply for open jobs in various industries? Should there be forced labor? A. NO Hitler and the Nazi Party had forced labor. A. There would be plenty of overtime. A. or they could do like in the old days . offer enough wages to retain a labor force with enough skill to do the job . A. Robots will fill the void. A. Inflation

[Q&A] I think this Trump needs to send a thankyou not to Obama for handing him a recovering economy the last 3 years, don't you think?

  Q. I think this Trump needs to send a thankyou not to Obama for handing him a recovering economy the last 3 years, don't you think? Everything from Pruitt to his VA pick to his 4th grade undisciplined mouth is a JOKE!!! A. Jokes are entertaining. Entertainment does not hurt anyone. A. So 8 years of Obama, the economy is stagnant. But 2nd year into trumps administration and Obama gets the credit? Hahahaha. Are you off your meds? A. Trump doesn't thank black people. A. No, remember, everything since 2010 has been because of Trump's great leadership!

[Q&A] Past administrations didn't do Kim the favor of meeting with him & give him the stature of a respected world leader. Why did Trump cave ...?

  Q. Past administrations didn't do Kim the favor of meeting with him & give him the stature of a respected world leader. Why did Trump cave ...? in at the first opportunity? A. Trump is NOT caving--he said AT THE FIRST SIGN KIM IS BEING DISINGENUOUS, I WILL WALK OUT. A. really, so carter flying to north korea and meeting their leader, wasn't a past administration meeting t he leader of NK ? A. Kim will eat Trump for lunch (both figuratively and literally) A. Maybe because he’s not like Woodrow Wilson (he didn’t meet with Ho Chi Minh and in effected caused the Vietnam war). A. Liberals never understand. Go back to your milk and crackers. A. Trump thinks this will be a moment that makes him a great president. It takes more than gestures to make a great president. A. Kim deserves a atatue in the Worst Leaders Hall of Fame.